Monday, January 26, 2009

Progress: 44

So maybe we are posting a few too many, but we have to capitalize on our motivation while we actually have it!
I just got Rhino (a 3D modeling software) for school and I've been working through the tutorials learning how everything works. So far I've made a flashlight and rubber duck! (I realize this is probably more exciting to me than anyone else.) I've been trying to find a way to show how the program works but i cant seem to upload/save a screenshot to here... The models do not look nearly as impressive in just the 2d rendered form. haha
As I am most likely going to be learning Rhino throughout my classes, I've turned my attention to Adobe: Illustrator and Photoshop. Learning on my own seems like a daunting task so anyone have any suggestions on how best to get an overall understanding of how to use them? Suggestions are appreciated (yes, I bolded just so you won't skim over this part =])

<3 Meaghan

1 comment:

  1. ramon has done some of this stuff

    might wanna talk to him
