Thursday, April 2, 2009

3 Month Update!

It's been a little more than 3 months since we started our 101 adventure! Crazy! It feels like time is going so slow, yet so fast at the same time. It's been 3 months of ups and downs, and I'm excited for our next 3 months because that will bring us sweet, sweet summer. :) I feel like it'd be cool just to do a little check in and see how much I've accomplished and how much progress I've made so far. Sooo here we go!

Number of days that have passed: 91 / 1001 days = 9.09% done

Number of goals I've accomplished: 5 / 101 goals = 4.95% done

Wow, that is sad.

Things I've accomplished:

13. Confess
18. Donate $100 to charity ($101 to Thon)
44. Memorize the Presidents song
75. Enter a contest. Win a contest (Won two pretty bobby pins)
101. Go streaking (New Years)

Things I've made progress on:

4. Get to 130 pounds (So far I've lost 6.4 pounds)
5. Run a Marathon (I've registered, and I'm currently training my butt off)
7. Learn to crochet and knit (One crochet project down, one to go, two knitting projects to go)
9. Read the whole Bible (I've read Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus...currently laboring through Numbers)
17. Try 10 new foods (2 down, 8 to go)
23. Ask 20 friends what their favorite book is, read every one (1 down, 1 in progress, 18 to go)
33. Read 10 "classic" novels (1 down, 9 to go)
35. Read a book in Spanish (I ordered and received the book)
76. Make a scrapbook of 101 things (OK, Meaghan kind of started this, and I haven't really done anything for it haha)

Wooow lots to do! Sorry if that was boring, but I like to reflect on what I've done so far, and how much I have left. These are just my stats, cause I don't know what exactly Meaghan is making progress on and stuff.

Happy April!


1 comment:

  1. agh... i don't even know what i've made progress on... i will post soon i swear! <333
