Monday, October 19, 2009

Progress: 19

On Friday, I woke up at 5:15 am to get ready to make my way over to Santa Ana to participate in a Target Volunteer event: Extreme Library Makeover. They spent a week at an elementary school over there repainting and refurnishing the library, and on the last day of the week they had dozens of Target team members come in to volunteer to finish up the rest and participate in a celebration of the library's completion. We took pictures of the kids and put them in little "All About Me" booklets for them, gave them a bunch of free Target gear, donated 7 books to each child, and donated 500+ books to their library. The celebration was my favorite part--a man in a bullseye Target dog costume came and the kids loved him! Plus an entertainer came that the kids got really into. It was super hot, so during the celebration I spent a good portion of my leftover energy running around and "fanning" the didn't really help to cool them down, but they thought it was so funny that I was running all over the place and they kept yelling "ME NEXT! ME NEXT!" and being super dramatic about how "cool" they felt while I fanned them haha :) So cute, so cute.

This is progress on number 19: Volunteer 50 hours.

5 hours completed out of 50 goal hours.

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