Last Thursday, I had my wisdom teeth yanked out, so it was hard to eat for a few days. After that few days had gone by I realized "Hey, I haven't eaten meat in like 3 days!" I figured that the next four days or so of vegetarianism would be easy-peezy. It was not always easy, however, especially when Kristen had Japanese food at her house...sushi and would have been delicious. And all the cravings for In-n-out and Albertaco's NEVER faded. Rough times. I did, however, discover some yummy ways to stay vegetarian thanks to my veggie friend at work! At the end of the day, however, I think I'll just stay a carnivore. YUM :)
Accomplished: 69. Go vegetarian for a week.
<3, Jilj
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas!
This past weekend, I got to accomplish another thing on my 101 dad and I did our Christmas lights. Of course, the meaning of "do my Christmas lights" is a little different now that I live in a tiny apartment...but still, we have lights up and they look cute :) . I will try to upload pictures later but for now, all I can say is:
Accomplished: 93. Do my Christmas lights.
Accomplished: 93. Do my Christmas lights.
Monday, December 14, 2009
I Miss Food.
This morning I stepped on the scale and discovered that I have finally reached my weight goal of 130 lbs! And I look terrible. Every rib is showing and my hip bones are poking out awkwardly. Turns out my goal was a little low...which would explain why it took oral surgery and the subsequent days full of nothing but liquids for me to reach the goal. Now please excuse me while I pray for the day that I can inhale an In-n-Out Burger and get back up to a nice, healthy 135.
The point of this goal was more like: Lose the freshman 15. I gained 15 pounds in ONE SEMESTER last year, and now it is all gone, even at 135, thanks to exercise and slightly healthier eating habits. So mission accomplished!
Accomplished: 4. Get to 130 lbs.
The point of this goal was more like: Lose the freshman 15. I gained 15 pounds in ONE SEMESTER last year, and now it is all gone, even at 135, thanks to exercise and slightly healthier eating habits. So mission accomplished!
Accomplished: 4. Get to 130 lbs.
Friday, October 23, 2009
I don't know why...
all of my accomplishments are food-related lately, but whatever.
Yesterday I made Kelsy take very random right and left turns until we ended up in Long Beach at this Hawaiian restaurant that I later found out was actually a chain, and not a hole-in-the-wall. Oh well. I was determined to accomplish something while there, so I tried a new food! Actually it didn't feel that new because it tasted exactly like something I've had before, but I'm pretty sure it was new.
Baked manapua!

I think I feel like I've tried this before because I used to eat Sloppy Joes on Hawaiian rolls and it was very very similar. I thought the meat inside was a little dry, but otherwise it was very tasty. Nom nom.
Now I've had five new foods out of ten!
Progress: 17: Try 10 new foods.
<3,'s aliiiive!
Yesterday I made Kelsy take very random right and left turns until we ended up in Long Beach at this Hawaiian restaurant that I later found out was actually a chain, and not a hole-in-the-wall. Oh well. I was determined to accomplish something while there, so I tried a new food! Actually it didn't feel that new because it tasted exactly like something I've had before, but I'm pretty sure it was new.
Baked manapua!

I think I feel like I've tried this before because I used to eat Sloppy Joes on Hawaiian rolls and it was very very similar. I thought the meat inside was a little dry, but otherwise it was very tasty. Nom nom.
Now I've had five new foods out of ten!
Progress: 17: Try 10 new foods.
<3,'s aliiiive!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Chinese Food is Delicious.
Yesterday, my father and Vincent and I ventured over to the center that California Fish Grill and Sweetie Thai is in to try a little hole-in-the-wall restaurant called Dragon 21. I was a little afraid when I saw that the restaurant was completely empty, but it actually ended up being really really delicious. It was a bit pricey, but the portions were gigantic and everything was quite tasty. We ordered two lemon chicken dishes, orange chicken, and a side of chow mein. And it came with a big dish of rice, as well. I think they specialize more in take-out, because their phone was ringing off the hook even though there weren't any customers inside besides us.
This is restaurant 4/10 for number 77: Go to 10 hole-in-the-wall restaurants.
This is restaurant 4/10 for number 77: Go to 10 hole-in-the-wall restaurants.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Hairy Situations...(Accomplished: 91)
Progress: 19

On Friday, I woke up at 5:15 am to get ready to make my way over to Santa Ana to participate in a Target Volunteer event: Extreme Library Makeover. They spent a week at an elementary school over there repainting and refurnishing the library, and on the last day of the week they had dozens of Target team members come in to volunteer to finish up the rest and participate in a celebration of the library's completion. We took pictures of the kids and put them in little "All About Me" booklets for them, gave them a bunch of free Target gear, donated 7 books to each child, and donated 500+ books to their library. The celebration was my favorite part--a man in a bullseye Target dog costume came and the kids loved him! Plus an entertainer came that the kids got really into. It was super hot, so during the celebration I spent a good portion of my leftover energy running around and "fanning" the didn't really help to cool them down, but they thought it was so funny that I was running all over the place and they kept yelling "ME NEXT! ME NEXT!" and being super dramatic about how "cool" they felt while I fanned them haha :) So cute, so cute.
This is progress on number 19: Volunteer 50 hours.
5 hours completed out of 50 goal hours.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
All I Want to do is Eat, Eat, Eat, Eat...
Last Friday I ate at TWO hole-in-the-wall places in one day. Because I'm a weirdo like that. That means...
77) Go to 10 hole-in-the-wall restaurants.
-Buono's Pizza: Buono's Pizza is a little place over in San Pedro that I went to with the Bio Club after we took a field trip to the Cabrillo Aquarium. It looked promising thanks to all the "Restaurant of the Year" plaques lining the walls, and it had sort of a homey feel to it. I tried the pepperoni pizza and one other pizza that was sort of Mediterranean in flavor (think feta cheese, etc) and they were both pretty darn good, minus the stomachaches I had later. Grade: A
-Senor Big Ed's: Located in good old Cypress, Ed's is a Puerto Rican joint that I pass by on at least a bidaily basis. Michael and I decided to try it before the alumni game...he had a burrito, and I had something that I will explain in a minute. Michael gave his burrito a 7/10, so I will give this a grade of: B.
84) Eat something foreign and weird and disgusting sounding.
OK, so at Senor Big Ed's I decided to try something that sounded really really weird and potentially disgusting. It was called Mofongo and the description on the menu went a little something like this: Mashed green plantain stuffed with PORK RINDS, garlic, and olive oil. I think the pork rinds is what made it sound the grossest, but garlic mixed with plantain wasn't really doing it for me either. It didn't taste that bad...actually all I could really taste was garlic...but I don't think I'll be eating it on a regular basis. But hey, at least I tried it.
77) Go to 10 hole-in-the-wall restaurants.
-Buono's Pizza: Buono's Pizza is a little place over in San Pedro that I went to with the Bio Club after we took a field trip to the Cabrillo Aquarium. It looked promising thanks to all the "Restaurant of the Year" plaques lining the walls, and it had sort of a homey feel to it. I tried the pepperoni pizza and one other pizza that was sort of Mediterranean in flavor (think feta cheese, etc) and they were both pretty darn good, minus the stomachaches I had later. Grade: A
-Senor Big Ed's: Located in good old Cypress, Ed's is a Puerto Rican joint that I pass by on at least a bidaily basis. Michael and I decided to try it before the alumni game...he had a burrito, and I had something that I will explain in a minute. Michael gave his burrito a 7/10, so I will give this a grade of: B.
84) Eat something foreign and weird and disgusting sounding.
OK, so at Senor Big Ed's I decided to try something that sounded really really weird and potentially disgusting. It was called Mofongo and the description on the menu went a little something like this: Mashed green plantain stuffed with PORK RINDS, garlic, and olive oil. I think the pork rinds is what made it sound the grossest, but garlic mixed with plantain wasn't really doing it for me either. It didn't taste that bad...actually all I could really taste was garlic...but I don't think I'll be eating it on a regular basis. But hey, at least I tried it.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
A Jilji Summer
Here's my post for what I accomplished individually this summer, in order of when I accomplished them.
38. Babysit
I babysat my baby cousins this summer with my Oma. <3 them all to death...they're so cute. There is one girl, who's 2, and then twins (1 boy, 1 girl) that are 1.
67. Ride a roller-coaster.
I went on some totally legit rides at the OC Fair. Ones that spun upside down and around and three different ways and ones that went really super fast and really super high...I was proud of myself! Haha :)
20. Get my cartilage repierced.
I actually went today to go get it done with Kelsy. Kelsy got her lip done, which actually looked like it hurt way less than my cartilage. Yikes it hurt worse than any of the other 6 piercings I got...including the first time I got it done. Oh well, it looks pretty :)
38. Babysit
I babysat my baby cousins this summer with my Oma. <3 them all to death...they're so cute. There is one girl, who's 2, and then twins (1 boy, 1 girl) that are 1.
67. Ride a roller-coaster.
I went on some totally legit rides at the OC Fair. Ones that spun upside down and around and three different ways and ones that went really super fast and really super high...I was proud of myself! Haha :)
20. Get my cartilage repierced.
I actually went today to go get it done with Kelsy. Kelsy got her lip done, which actually looked like it hurt way less than my cartilage. Yikes it hurt worse than any of the other 6 piercings I got...including the first time I got it done. Oh well, it looks pretty :)
Yes, it's been awhile since we've updated. Here's what we've been doing all summer!
16. Take a yoga class
We got free one week passes to a yoga studio at Bella Terra, and it was way fun! We both really enjoyed the classes we took, especially the really intense heated yoga. Meaghan's now taking yoga as a class at USC, while Jillian continues her practice at home thanks to OnDemand ExcerciseTV.
77. Go to 10 hole-in-the-wall restaurants.
We ate at Thai BBQ & Noodle on Valley View across from Cypress College for lunch a few months back, and we split two dishes. They were absolutely delicious...we'd definitely go back again.
Aaaand that might be all we actually made progress on together this summer. Individually, we did more things but those posts will come later.
16. Take a yoga class
We got free one week passes to a yoga studio at Bella Terra, and it was way fun! We both really enjoyed the classes we took, especially the really intense heated yoga. Meaghan's now taking yoga as a class at USC, while Jillian continues her practice at home thanks to OnDemand ExcerciseTV.
77. Go to 10 hole-in-the-wall restaurants.
We ate at Thai BBQ & Noodle on Valley View across from Cypress College for lunch a few months back, and we split two dishes. They were absolutely delicious...we'd definitely go back again.
Aaaand that might be all we actually made progress on together this summer. Individually, we did more things but those posts will come later.
Friday, May 22, 2009
The Dogs of Babel
On Wednesday I spent the day reading "The Dogs of Babel," by Carolyn Parkhurst, which was Daniel Taroy's favorite book. I wish somebody would have warned me about what the topic was, because it hit really close to home. But wow, it was so good. It was so good that it hurt.
At least one question has been answered.
Progress: 23 - Ask 20 friends what their favorite book is, read each one.
At least one question has been answered.
Progress: 23 - Ask 20 friends what their favorite book is, read each one.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Does this count as riding a roller-coaster?
Rough week and a half. Not sure how to approach it in a blog post, so I won't. But yes, I'm out now.
Things I accidentally accomplished while there:
11. Have an hour long "no holding back" conversation (multiple times)
25. Make 3 new close close that I'd invite them to my wedding. (I really do hope I can keep in's interesting how fast they became my family...something about how they can relate to the things I'm going through).
36. Be a shoulder for someone to cry on (literally)
66. Spend 3 days without my phone
79. Make 5 friendship bracelets (or 9)
Accidental progress:
17. Try 10 new foods - I tried saag, which I actually liked, despite the fact that it was a little spicy.
I'll be home soon. I'm sorry.
Things I accidentally accomplished while there:
11. Have an hour long "no holding back" conversation (multiple times)
25. Make 3 new close close that I'd invite them to my wedding. (I really do hope I can keep in's interesting how fast they became my family...something about how they can relate to the things I'm going through).
36. Be a shoulder for someone to cry on (literally)
66. Spend 3 days without my phone
79. Make 5 friendship bracelets (or 9)
Accidental progress:
17. Try 10 new foods - I tried saag, which I actually liked, despite the fact that it was a little spicy.
I'll be home soon. I'm sorry.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
3 Month Update!
It's been a little more than 3 months since we started our 101 adventure! Crazy! It feels like time is going so slow, yet so fast at the same time. It's been 3 months of ups and downs, and I'm excited for our next 3 months because that will bring us sweet, sweet summer. :) I feel like it'd be cool just to do a little check in and see how much I've accomplished and how much progress I've made so far. Sooo here we go!
Number of days that have passed: 91 / 1001 days = 9.09% done
Number of goals I've accomplished: 5 / 101 goals = 4.95% done
Wow, that is sad.
Things I've accomplished:
13. Confess
18. Donate $100 to charity ($101 to Thon)
44. Memorize the Presidents song
75. Enter a contest. Win a contest (Won two pretty bobby pins)
101. Go streaking (New Years)
Things I've made progress on:
4. Get to 130 pounds (So far I've lost 6.4 pounds)
5. Run a Marathon (I've registered, and I'm currently training my butt off)
7. Learn to crochet and knit (One crochet project down, one to go, two knitting projects to go)
9. Read the whole Bible (I've read Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus...currently laboring through Numbers)
17. Try 10 new foods (2 down, 8 to go)
23. Ask 20 friends what their favorite book is, read every one (1 down, 1 in progress, 18 to go)
33. Read 10 "classic" novels (1 down, 9 to go)
35. Read a book in Spanish (I ordered and received the book)
76. Make a scrapbook of 101 things (OK, Meaghan kind of started this, and I haven't really done anything for it haha)
Wooow lots to do! Sorry if that was boring, but I like to reflect on what I've done so far, and how much I have left. These are just my stats, cause I don't know what exactly Meaghan is making progress on and stuff.
Happy April!
Number of days that have passed: 91 / 1001 days = 9.09% done
Number of goals I've accomplished: 5 / 101 goals = 4.95% done
Wow, that is sad.
Things I've accomplished:
13. Confess
18. Donate $100 to charity ($101 to Thon)
44. Memorize the Presidents song
75. Enter a contest. Win a contest (Won two pretty bobby pins)
101. Go streaking (New Years)
Things I've made progress on:
4. Get to 130 pounds (So far I've lost 6.4 pounds)
5. Run a Marathon (I've registered, and I'm currently training my butt off)
7. Learn to crochet and knit (One crochet project down, one to go, two knitting projects to go)
9. Read the whole Bible (I've read Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus...currently laboring through Numbers)
17. Try 10 new foods (2 down, 8 to go)
23. Ask 20 friends what their favorite book is, read every one (1 down, 1 in progress, 18 to go)
33. Read 10 "classic" novels (1 down, 9 to go)
35. Read a book in Spanish (I ordered and received the book)
76. Make a scrapbook of 101 things (OK, Meaghan kind of started this, and I haven't really done anything for it haha)
Wooow lots to do! Sorry if that was boring, but I like to reflect on what I've done so far, and how much I have left. These are just my stats, cause I don't know what exactly Meaghan is making progress on and stuff.
Happy April!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Slaughterhouse-Five (Progress: 23)
I finished Slaughterhouse-Five today, which was David's book suggestion for Number 23: Ask 20 friends what their favorite book is, read every one. It wasn't really like Breakfast of Champions, which is the only other Vonnegut book I've read, but it was. I liked the book...Vonnegut's style is funny and unique and heart-breaking.
The book seemed to fit well with my day...I woke up already crying from pain (being a girl rocks). I had the closest thing to a panic attack I've ever had, but then got myself together and went to take a Stats quiz. I took a little more Advil than is usually suggested, opened the book, and read the last 100 pages or so while listening to the rain fall outside my window. I was alone and afraid and in pain, but eventually the medicine kicked in, and my mind was absorbed in the the time I reached the last page, I was numb and content. There was a dead spider crushed on the very last page. So it goes.
Getting things accomplished from our list makes me happy.
The book seemed to fit well with my day...I woke up already crying from pain (being a girl rocks). I had the closest thing to a panic attack I've ever had, but then got myself together and went to take a Stats quiz. I took a little more Advil than is usually suggested, opened the book, and read the last 100 pages or so while listening to the rain fall outside my window. I was alone and afraid and in pain, but eventually the medicine kicked in, and my mind was absorbed in the the time I reached the last page, I was numb and content. There was a dead spider crushed on the very last page. So it goes.
Getting things accomplished from our list makes me happy.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Boca Boca Boca Burger! (Progress: 17)

I tried a Boca Burger yesterday for the first time (at least, I'm pretty sure that was the first time I've had one...)! It wasn't really as juicy and flavorful as a meat hamburger, but it was still pretty good! I think I'll order one again sometime! :)
This is progress on Number 17: Try 10 new foods. Not terribly exciting, but progress nonetheless.
Maybe these will help when I try Number 69: Go Vegetarian for a week!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Grover Cleveland, really fat (Accomplished: 44)
Wow...I can't believe it's been an entire month since I've posted here. I'm sorry! Meaghan was correct when she said that we've been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately. I guess I kind of forgot that even when things get tough, at least I still have my list to look forward to! Plus every time I come here, it reminds me of Meaghan and I love Meaghan, so I get happy.
OK, moving on to the actual point of this particular post...I've accomplished something new! This is kind of lame, though, so promise you won't laugh at me!
During my Junior year in APUSH, Mr. Eastridge decided we needed to know all of the US Presidents in order, including their party affiliation and their years in office. So right before the test on Presidents, Kristen went on youtube and found the best song ever from Animaniacs to help memorize the Presidents. Kristen managed to memorize the whole thing before the test, but I only got up to Abraham Lincoln. This was annoying because I would get the song stuck in my head, but would have to stop at a certain point...frustrating! So when we made our lists of things to accomplish, I decided I needed to finally get around to finishing the memorization of this incredibly catchy, informative song. ;)
And, as of last night, I can officially say I've done it!
Accomplished: 44 - Memorize the Presidents song.
Here it is, in case you wanted to see/hear it!
Hope everyone is doing well! See you in May! :)
OK, moving on to the actual point of this particular post...I've accomplished something new! This is kind of lame, though, so promise you won't laugh at me!
During my Junior year in APUSH, Mr. Eastridge decided we needed to know all of the US Presidents in order, including their party affiliation and their years in office. So right before the test on Presidents, Kristen went on youtube and found the best song ever from Animaniacs to help memorize the Presidents. Kristen managed to memorize the whole thing before the test, but I only got up to Abraham Lincoln. This was annoying because I would get the song stuck in my head, but would have to stop at a certain point...frustrating! So when we made our lists of things to accomplish, I decided I needed to finally get around to finishing the memorization of this incredibly catchy, informative song. ;)
And, as of last night, I can officially say I've done it!
Accomplished: 44 - Memorize the Presidents song.
Here it is, in case you wanted to see/hear it!
Hope everyone is doing well! See you in May! :)
Sunday, March 1, 2009
we fail right now haha
our blog is sadly lonely right now... i think we have both been overwhelmed. and apparently i'm in a blogging mood so here's an update:
i went to a hole in the wall restaurant: papa cristo's. it's in shady L.A. but it is the most amazing greek food ever. chicken kabob sandwich (aka chicken, lettuce, pita bread, and amazing yogurt sauce) = heaven. i want to take every person i know there because its so amazing. oh yeah, and the baklava.
i got books to learn photoshop and illustrator and i've been trying to work on that... but i've been pretty busy so i'll probably do that over spring break when i'm sitting at home alone.
i'm still trying to read gulliver's travels, but honestly haven't been reading much of anything lately. except about greek architecture and the yanomamo indians.
i got my twitter t-shirt... unfortunately it also came with a new addiction to twitter.
well, i think that's about it...
<3 Meaghan
i went to a hole in the wall restaurant: papa cristo's. it's in shady L.A. but it is the most amazing greek food ever. chicken kabob sandwich (aka chicken, lettuce, pita bread, and amazing yogurt sauce) = heaven. i want to take every person i know there because its so amazing. oh yeah, and the baklava.
i got books to learn photoshop and illustrator and i've been trying to work on that... but i've been pretty busy so i'll probably do that over spring break when i'm sitting at home alone.
i'm still trying to read gulliver's travels, but honestly haven't been reading much of anything lately. except about greek architecture and the yanomamo indians.
i got my twitter t-shirt... unfortunately it also came with a new addiction to twitter.
well, i think that's about it...
<3 Meaghan
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The Hardest Thing...(Accomplished: 13)
Running a marathon will be easy, compared to that.
But I'm proud of myself. I'm a big girl. I'm ballsy. I'm worth it. I'll be back, 110% in a few days.
Life is so interesting, and I'm excited to see where it takes me next.
But I'm proud of myself. I'm a big girl. I'm ballsy. I'm worth it. I'll be back, 110% in a few days.
Life is so interesting, and I'm excited to see where it takes me next.
Friday, February 13, 2009
They've arrived! (75)
Thursday, February 12, 2009
A Thon Story (Accomplished: 18)

As you may already know, I'm on a committee here at Penn State for an event known as THON. It's a 46 hour no-sitting, no-sleeping dance marathon that raises money for The Four Diamonds Fund, which is based in Hershey, PA and helps children and their families that are suffering from pediatric cancer. We've been working hard for months, and now THON is only seven days away!!!

Tonight, I received an email from a girl on my committee that said she had been having a rough week. One of her sorority sisters was diagnosed with leukemia in October. She left Penn State to go through chemotherapy, and after three rounds of intense treatment, she passed away a few days ago. The girl's name? Jill.
This story changed my perspective on THON immediately. It seems to give new meaning to what we're THON-ing for. Life is already so short, and it's horrible that cancer makes it shorter for so many people.
After hearing this story, I immediately thought of our 101 project...because life is short, it feels good to know that we're doing the things we've always wanted to do rather than just putting them off for later. I remembered Number 18 on our list: Donate $100 to charity, and knew exactly what I wanted to donate my money to.
I have to admit though...I didn't donate exactly $100. Typing in 101.00 in the amount line just felt so much more symbolic... :)
And part of the reason why I shared this whole story is to shamelessly promote can donate, too, at !
Live your life. Love your life.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
More reading! (Progress 23)
yeah it seems basically all we can do is read... but its midterms week for me and i had a final project due last week so i've been pretty busy...
this weekend i finished the adventures of huckleberry finn, raghav's book from the list. it was a fun story even though the accent was sometimes hard to read and tom sawyer just pissed me off haha.
i also read dogs of babel, daniel's book. the story was incredibly interesting
this weekend i finished the adventures of huckleberry finn, raghav's book from the list. it was a fun story even though the accent was sometimes hard to read and tom sawyer just pissed me off haha.
i also read dogs of babel, daniel's book. the story was incredibly interesting
Reading, Reading, Reading... (Progress: 33)
Today, I finished Pride and Prejudice! I love a good love story (although this is not really a typical lovey-dovey type of love story), and that's all I'll say on that because I don't want to ruin it for anyone that hasn't read it.
I actually started reading Don Quixote online before reading Pride and Prejudice, but after purchasing the book from the bookstore, I have become a little intimidated...

You can go ahead and laugh at my lame pictures now. But seriously...940 pages? Yikes.
I apologize for the lack of updates this past week...its been a tough one. I bought Slaughterhouse-Five last week, and I want to start that one tomorrow.
I actually started reading Don Quixote online before reading Pride and Prejudice, but after purchasing the book from the bookstore, I have become a little intimidated...

You can go ahead and laugh at my lame pictures now. But seriously...940 pages? Yikes.
I apologize for the lack of updates this past week...its been a tough one. I bought Slaughterhouse-Five last week, and I want to start that one tomorrow.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
My first finished scarf! (Progress: 7)
one more book down... (progess: 33)
today i finished the metamorphosis and other stories, by franz kafka. it was actually pretty interesting. all of the stories were short and unsettling, whether it was a man turned into a fly or an uncomfortable description of a execution "apparatus." to be honest i only had this book because we were supposed to read it in hodges and then i was going to read it over summer when we were in prague, but that never happened. when i actually got around to reading it it was much shorter than i had assumed and i actually enjoyed a bunch of short stories as opposed to a novel. i don't think his style is well suited for longer works. but if you are looking for some stories to slightly creep you out but leave you intrigued to understand more, kafka is for you.
(i'll work on keeping these shorter, we are reading way too many books to pain you with long descriptions haha)
on to my next book! huck finn or dogs of babel, i haven't decided yet.
(i'll work on keeping these shorter, we are reading way too many books to pain you with long descriptions haha)
on to my next book! huck finn or dogs of babel, i haven't decided yet.
AHHHH!!!! (Accomplished: 75)
I won something, too! A pair of rhinestone bobby pins...hahaha. Check it out here:
And here's the email they sent:
Hello 101 in 1001,
> You have been selected as the winner of Oh Faro's
> rhinestone bobbies! Please send me your shipping
> information before midnight 2/3 PST or a new winner will be
> selected.
> Congratulations,
> Heather
> Fabulous Fun Finds
I'm going to wear these in my hair every day!
Here's hoping one of us wins the cat genie, too. Or the fridge.
And here's the email they sent:
Hello 101 in 1001,
> You have been selected as the winner of Oh Faro's
> rhinestone bobbies! Please send me your shipping
> information before midnight 2/3 PST or a new winner will be
> selected.
> Congratulations,
> Heather
> Fabulous Fun Finds
I'm going to wear these in my hair every day!
Here's hoping one of us wins the cat genie, too. Or the fridge.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Accomplished: 75!
i won a contest!!
true, it's no cat genie/refrigerator/trip to the bahamas and true only 13 people entered, but i did win! haha
now i just have to wait and see if i actually get my t-shirt
true, it's no cat genie/refrigerator/trip to the bahamas and true only 13 people entered, but i did win! haha
now i just have to wait and see if i actually get my t-shirt
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Jane Eyre! [Progress: 33]
Today I finished Jane Eyre! The first of my 10 classics.
I read it within about 4 days of getting it, which is pretty sad on my part, but i found it intriguing. And i somewhat just wanted to finish after reading the ending in the footnotes! (seriously, just because it is the "classic" edition does not mean they can assume everyone knows the story... but apparently i was in a very select ignorant group.) anyway, besides penguin classics giving away any surprise in the book (i'm surprised they didn't write it on the back cover) i definitely enjoyed reading this. i have never read (or seen the movies of) any of the "classic" love stories: this, pride and prejudice, basically anything by jane austen, etc. so it was still an endearing subject to me. i found myself enthralled even though i knew what was coming. although at some points i found the plot lines to be so coincidental almost to the point of being funny. and sometimes i just wanted jane and mr rochester to make out already so they would stop bantering. but overall, the characters were my favorite part. st john was an especially intriguing character - i was glad charlotte bronte gave him a personality instead of just a cardboard cutout Christian (yay alliteration). i also even caught on to some of the symbolism, but i'm sure if i read this last year, we would have found some sort of sexual allusion at the heart of the story. okay well i will stop paining you with my review, but you have to forgive me... it's been so long since i've analyzed literature in any form.
Bottom Line: if you can get over the predictability, it will definitely keep you interested (especially for the hopeless romantics out there)
now i'm moving on to one of the books off our friend list, i need a break before the next classic.
I read it within about 4 days of getting it, which is pretty sad on my part, but i found it intriguing. And i somewhat just wanted to finish after reading the ending in the footnotes! (seriously, just because it is the "classic" edition does not mean they can assume everyone knows the story... but apparently i was in a very select ignorant group.) anyway, besides penguin classics giving away any surprise in the book (i'm surprised they didn't write it on the back cover) i definitely enjoyed reading this. i have never read (or seen the movies of) any of the "classic" love stories: this, pride and prejudice, basically anything by jane austen, etc. so it was still an endearing subject to me. i found myself enthralled even though i knew what was coming. although at some points i found the plot lines to be so coincidental almost to the point of being funny. and sometimes i just wanted jane and mr rochester to make out already so they would stop bantering. but overall, the characters were my favorite part. st john was an especially intriguing character - i was glad charlotte bronte gave him a personality instead of just a cardboard cutout Christian (yay alliteration). i also even caught on to some of the symbolism, but i'm sure if i read this last year, we would have found some sort of sexual allusion at the heart of the story. okay well i will stop paining you with my review, but you have to forgive me... it's been so long since i've analyzed literature in any form.
Bottom Line: if you can get over the predictability, it will definitely keep you interested (especially for the hopeless romantics out there)
now i'm moving on to one of the books off our friend list, i need a break before the next classic.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Probably one of the scariest things on the list... (Progress: 5)
I was reading Tan's LiveJournal today and I noticed that he mentioned the LA Marathon in it. This led to the scary realization that it takes quite awhile to train for a marathon, and this is one of those goals that I'd like to get done with sooner rather than later. So I hopped on the website, got myself registered, and voila! I will be running in the LA Marathon on May 25th, 2009.
I'd have to say this is in the top three scariest things I have to do on this list, but finishing it will be amazing...I just know it!
I start training Monday..wish me luck!
I'd have to say this is in the top three scariest things I have to do on this list, but finishing it will be amazing...I just know it!
I start training Monday..wish me luck!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Classics! (Progress: 33)
This really can't be counted as "Progress," but I have finally found a list of books that I want to read for number 33: Read 10 "Classic" Novels! This is a list that someone else compiled, but I'm open to other suggestions! :)
1. Don Quixote
2. Gulliver's Travels
3. Pride and Prejudice
4. Oliver Twist
5. The Scarlet Letter
6. Moby Dick
7. Madame Bovary
8. Crime and Punishment
9. Anna Karenina
10. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
I love to read! <3,
I might as well just add mine to this as well. Also open to suggestions. =]
1. Bleak House
2. Metamorphosis and Other Stories
3. Jane Eyre
4. Anna Karenina
5. Gulliver's Travels
6. Count of Monte Cristo
7. Age of Innocence
8. Babbitt
9. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
10. On the Road
Some of them are definitely more modern "classics" but i really want to read them.
<3 Meaghan
1. Don Quixote
2. Gulliver's Travels
3. Pride and Prejudice
4. Oliver Twist
5. The Scarlet Letter
6. Moby Dick
7. Madame Bovary
8. Crime and Punishment
9. Anna Karenina
10. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
I love to read! <3,
I might as well just add mine to this as well. Also open to suggestions. =]
1. Bleak House
2. Metamorphosis and Other Stories
3. Jane Eyre
4. Anna Karenina
5. Gulliver's Travels
6. Count of Monte Cristo
7. Age of Innocence
8. Babbitt
9. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
10. On the Road
Some of them are definitely more modern "classics" but i really want to read them.
<3 Meaghan
Progress: 44
So maybe we are posting a few too many, but we have to capitalize on our motivation while we actually have it!
I just got Rhino (a 3D modeling software) for school and I've been working through the tutorials learning how everything works. So far I've made a flashlight and rubber duck! (I realize this is probably more exciting to me than anyone else.) I've been trying to find a way to show how the program works but i cant seem to upload/save a screenshot to here... The models do not look nearly as impressive in just the 2d rendered form. haha
As I am most likely going to be learning Rhino throughout my classes, I've turned my attention to Adobe: Illustrator and Photoshop. Learning on my own see

<3 Meaghan
Contests, Contests, Contests! (Progress: 75)
I spent a very, very long time entering a bunch of contests today! A lot of random ones...everything from free cough drops for a year to a Jamaican vacation. I don't care what I win, I just want to win something!
Meaghan, I suggest these magazine websites to find contests:
-Cosmo (even though it only has like one)
Wish me luck!
I'm really excited because... (Progress: 35)
Today Meaghan and I were super motivated, I guess, and went on a 101 spree! I asked Michael to pick a random number 1-101 for me to work on, and after a few tries he picked 35, which happens to be "Read a book in Spanish." So I googled a list of the best Spanish language books, and ended up ordering "El Amor en los Tiempos de Colera" from, which is really cool because it was made into a movie (Love in the Time of Cholera) in 2007! I can't wait to both read the book, and watch the movie!
And speaking of books, if you haven't done so already, please go down a couple blog posts and let us know what your favorite book is for our number 23! :) Thanks to those who already have.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Progress: 75 (Contests)
Out of extreme procrastination I have decided to work on this instead of homework. yay!
I found this website and entered probably about 15 contests. None were for anything big, but there were some cool organic t-shirts they were giving away and i found the website of this guy who wants to give away $1 million in $50 and $100 increments to a bunch of different people. Pretty cool.
Hopefully I win, or I'll have to go on another entering binge haha
<3 Meaghan
I found this website and entered probably about 15 contests. None were for anything big, but there were some cool organic t-shirts they were giving away and i found the website of this guy who wants to give away $1 million in $50 and $100 increments to a bunch of different people. Pretty cool.
Hopefully I win, or I'll have to go on another entering binge haha
<3 Meaghan
Survey! (Number 23)
Today marks the day we officially "release" this blog! We haven't said much about it so far just because we didn't want to show everyone a blog with just one or two posts, but now we have a little bit for people to read, so it's a little more interesting.
And by no coincidence at all, today also marks the day where we start Number 23: Ask 20 friends what their favorite book is, read every one! We've decided to just make a list of 20 of our friends and to then post it here, where you all can comment with what your favorite book is (please choose one) and we can start compiling a list of books to read.
So without further ado, here's our list of people! If your name is here, please comment with your favorite book and the author of that book. If you can't really think of a FAVORITE then go ahead and just pick one that you really enjoyed. If your name is not on the list, don't be offended can feel free to post your favorite as well so we can have more books! :)
-Matthew Park
-Daniel Taroy
-Daniel Lorey
-Frankie (Grogan)
Thanks ahead of time for doing this!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Something new... (Progress: 17)
Yesterday I made some progress on Number 17: Try 10 new foods. I tried....(drumroll, please)...greek yogurt! Not that exciting, but something new nonetheless. I actually really liked it! It was almost cheesy in nature. The brand was called Fage pronounced (Fa-yeh) and I tried the 2% kind with Peach. I highly recommend getting the kind that comes with fruit. It's low on calories and fat, but it has a good amount of protein!
Yum, yum!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Meaghan's List.
my list is constantly changing.
okay I'm finally getting around to doing this. most are the same, so i'll just bold the ones that are actually different.
101 in 1001
1. Get straight A's one semester
2. Fully understand my family history
3. Write a memoir/sketchbook
4. Get to 130 lbs
5. Do something athletic with my mom
6. Get a bikini wax
7. Learn to crochet or knit
8. Learn how to make 3 different dishes for 3 meals
9. Watch every move nominated for an Oscar one year.
10. Kiss in the rain
11. Have an hour-long "no holding back" conversation
12. Make an entire meal for my family
13. Be completely honest with someone
14. Finish my journal
15. Take a hip-hop dance class
16. Take a yoga class
17. Try 10 new/different things
18. Donate $100 to charity
19. Volunteer for something that really matters to me
20. Get something pierced/tattooed
21. Treat myself and three friends to dinner
22. Ask 20 friends what their favorite movie is, watch every one
23. Ask 20 friends what their favorite book is, read every one
24. Discover a new favorite band/singer from a genre I don't normally listen to
25. Make 3 new close close that I'd invite them to my wedding
26. Go to a spa for a day with a friend
27. Spend a weekend with just my sister
28. Dress up very formal to go to dinner at a not-so-nice place
29. Write a letter to a US soldier thanking him
30. Watch 4 foreign-language films
31. Spend a day speaking only a foreign language
32. Make lists of ten things I like about each of my family members and 7 friends, give them the lists
33. Read 10 "classic" novels
34. Ask a friend what they've always wanted to do, do it with them
35. Make a model I am truly proud of
36. Be a shoulder for someone to cry on (literally)
37. Use an earwax candle
38. Babysit (Kyden! ... This one's for Jillian too)
39. Observe a "random acts of kindness" month
40. Take part in a protest for something I care about
41. Learn to play guitar or piano
42. Learn about five interesting people in history (biography/documentary)
43. Eat 100% organic for one week
44. Learn how to use Photoshop/Illustrator/Rhino
45. Go camping in tents
46. Have a candle-lit dinner
47. Have a snowball fight
48. Dedicate a song to someone
49. Give 100 hugs in one day
50. Have a completely girly sleepover
51. Tell a stranger he's cute
52. Watch the sunrise with friends and a picnic at the beach
53. Road-trip sleeping in cars
54. Skinny dip
55. Eat In-n-out for every meal one day
56. Go garage-sale hunting
57. Give 5 strangers $5
58. Audition for something
59. Have a dance party in a parking lot
60. Attend a bible study meeting
61. Run through sprinklers fully clothed
62. Write a "why I'm beautiful reminder." Then do it for 3 friends
63. Spend a week studying at least one hour a day
64. Have a thrift-store make-over day/fashion show
65. Become an awesome cookie baker
66. Spend 3 days without my phone
67. Ride Superman at Six Flags
68. Give 5 people different handmade gifts
69. Go vegetarian for a week
70. Play in the park in the rain
71. Feed ducks while wearing a dress
72. Read one of my architecture books entirely
73. Select five random people from my high school yearbook, contact them
74. Camp out to watch the Perseids meteor shower
75. Enter a contest. Win a contest.
76. Make a scrapbook of our 101 things project
77. Go to 10 hole-in-the-wall restaurants
78. Do something awesome and make a video of it
79. Make 5 friendship bracelets
80. Have a video scavenger hunt
81. Go karaoke-ing
82. Watch a sunset and a sunrise in one hang-out
83. Get my fortune told/palm read
84. Eat something foreign and very weird and disgusting sounding
85. Watch movies for 24 hours straight
86. Stay in a hostel
87. Win money in a gamble
88. Get make-up done
89. Dare day
90. Say something to everyone on my buddy list
91. Do temporary hair dye
92. Go to the snow, beach, and desert in one day
93. Do my Christmas lights in July
94. Do something to show friends how much they're appreciated
95. Continue tradition of making dinner for friends once during the summer
96. Go on a cruise with friends
97. Speak in song lyrics for a day
98. Spend a day for myself
99. Make build-a-bears for each other (Meaghan/Jillian)
100. Re-enact a movie
101. Go streaking
okay I'm finally getting around to doing this. most are the same, so i'll just bold the ones that are actually different.
101 in 1001
1. Get straight A's one semester
2. Fully understand my family history
3. Write a memoir/sketchbook
4. Get to 130 lbs
5. Do something athletic with my mom
6. Get a bikini wax
7. Learn to crochet or knit
8. Learn how to make 3 different dishes for 3 meals
9. Watch every move nominated for an Oscar one year.
10. Kiss in the rain
11. Have an hour-long "no holding back" conversation
12. Make an entire meal for my family
13. Be completely honest with someone
14. Finish my journal
15. Take a hip-hop dance class
16. Take a yoga class
17. Try 10 new/different things
18. Donate $100 to charity
19. Volunteer for something that really matters to me
20. Get something pierced/tattooed
21. Treat myself and three friends to dinner
22. Ask 20 friends what their favorite movie is, watch every one
23. Ask 20 friends what their favorite book is, read every one
24. Discover a new favorite band/singer from a genre I don't normally listen to
25. Make 3 new close close that I'd invite them to my wedding
26. Go to a spa for a day with a friend
27. Spend a weekend with just my sister
28. Dress up very formal to go to dinner at a not-so-nice place
29. Write a letter to a US soldier thanking him
30. Watch 4 foreign-language films
31. Spend a day speaking only a foreign language
32. Make lists of ten things I like about each of my family members and 7 friends, give them the lists
33. Read 10 "classic" novels
34. Ask a friend what they've always wanted to do, do it with them
35. Make a model I am truly proud of
36. Be a shoulder for someone to cry on (literally)
37. Use an earwax candle
38. Babysit (Kyden! ... This one's for Jillian too)
39. Observe a "random acts of kindness" month
40. Take part in a protest for something I care about
41. Learn to play guitar or piano
42. Learn about five interesting people in history (biography/documentary)
43. Eat 100% organic for one week
44. Learn how to use Photoshop/Illustrator/Rhino
45. Go camping in tents
46. Have a candle-lit dinner
47. Have a snowball fight
48. Dedicate a song to someone
49. Give 100 hugs in one day
50. Have a completely girly sleepover
51. Tell a stranger he's cute
52. Watch the sunrise with friends and a picnic at the beach
53. Road-trip sleeping in cars
54. Skinny dip
55. Eat In-n-out for every meal one day
56. Go garage-sale hunting
57. Give 5 strangers $5
58. Audition for something
59. Have a dance party in a parking lot
60. Attend a bible study meeting
61. Run through sprinklers fully clothed
62. Write a "why I'm beautiful reminder." Then do it for 3 friends
63. Spend a week studying at least one hour a day
64. Have a thrift-store make-over day/fashion show
65. Become an awesome cookie baker
66. Spend 3 days without my phone
67. Ride Superman at Six Flags
68. Give 5 people different handmade gifts
69. Go vegetarian for a week
70. Play in the park in the rain
71. Feed ducks while wearing a dress
72. Read one of my architecture books entirely
73. Select five random people from my high school yearbook, contact them
74. Camp out to watch the Perseids meteor shower
75. Enter a contest. Win a contest.
76. Make a scrapbook of our 101 things project
77. Go to 10 hole-in-the-wall restaurants
78. Do something awesome and make a video of it
79. Make 5 friendship bracelets
80. Have a video scavenger hunt
81. Go karaoke-ing
82. Watch a sunset and a sunrise in one hang-out
83. Get my fortune told/palm read
84. Eat something foreign and very weird and disgusting sounding
85. Watch movies for 24 hours straight
86. Stay in a hostel
87. Win money in a gamble
88. Get make-up done
89. Dare day
90. Say something to everyone on my buddy list
91. Do temporary hair dye
92. Go to the snow, beach, and desert in one day
93. Do my Christmas lights in July
94. Do something to show friends how much they're appreciated
95. Continue tradition of making dinner for friends once during the summer
96. Go on a cruise with friends
97. Speak in song lyrics for a day
98. Spend a day for myself
99. Make build-a-bears for each other (Meaghan/Jillian)
100. Re-enact a movie
101. Go streaking
Progress: 7
Over Winter Break, Meaghan and I started working on Number 7: Learn to crochet or knit! We picked up a book at Tall Mouse titled "Stitch 'N Bitch: The Happy Hooker" and some of the necessary materials, and gave crocheting a shot. We started working on this on December 31, 2008 technically, but we're going to say we waited until the New Year (and therefore, the start date of our 101 in 1001 project).
I'd have to say that so far we've been pretty successful! :) Meaghan finished both a scarf and a hat over break, but it took me a little longer to get the hang of it, so I'm still working on my scarf. My dad is not impressed...he took one look at me and said "my daughter, the grandma." :P
Crocheting is definitely a good conversation starter...I had a lot of people approach me in the airport and on the airplane asking me what I was making, how long I'd been crocheting, and other questions along those lines.
We both decided that we'd also like to learn how to knit before we count Number 7 as "Accomplished." So I'm labeling it as "In Progress" for now.
We need to accomplish approximately one thing per ten days, so I guess we're making decent progress on our list!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Accomplished: 101
Number 101 was crossed off of our list on 1/1/2009 at 12:30 am. That's all we can say about that...
Thursday, January 1, 2009
The List!
This blog was created to track the progress of Jillian and Meaghan's 101 in 1001 project. Instead of picking New Year's Resolutions that would most likely fall apart within a month or so, we have chosen 101 things that we would like to accomplish in the next 1001 days. More info on the project and its origins can be found at .
Jillian started creating the list on her own, so there will be a few differences between her version of the list and Meaghan's version. That said, here's Jillian's list (Meaghan will post her slight changes soon)!
Start Date:Thursday, January 1, 2009
End Date: Thursday, September 29, 2011
101 in 1001
1. Get straight A's one semester
2. Buy my sister a diamond
3. Write a memoir
4. Get to 130 lbs
5. Run a marathon
6. Get a bikini wax
7. Learn to crochet or knit
8. Learn how to make 3 different dishes for 3 meals
9. Read the whole Bible
10. Kiss a boy
11. Have an hour-long "no holding back" conversation
12. Make an entire meal for my family
13. Be completely honest with someone
14. Keep a journal, write at least once a week.
15. Take a hip-hop dance class
16. Take a yoga class
17. Try 10 new foods
18. Donate $100 to charity
19. Volunteer 50 hours
20. Get my cartilage re-pierced
21. Treat myself and three friends to dinner
22. Ask 20 friends what their favorite movie is, watch every one
23. Ask 20 friends what their favorite book is, read every one
24. Discover a new favorite band/singer from a genre I don't normally listen to
25. Make 3 new close close that I'd invite them to my wedding
26. Go to a spa for a day with a friend
27. Spend a weekend with just my sister
28. Dress up very formal to go to dinner at a not-so-nice place
29. Write a letter to a US soldier thanking him
30. Watch 4 foreign-language films
31. Spend a day speaking only Spanish
32. Make lists of ten things I like about each of my family members and 7 friends, give them the lists
33. Read 10 "classic" novels
34. Ask a friend what they've always wanted to do, do it with them
35. Read a book in Spanish
36. Be a shoulder for someone to cry on (literally)
37. Get some sort of recycling program set up in my house
38. Babysit
39. Observe a "random acts of kindness" month
40. Take part in a protest for something I care about
41. Learn to play guitar
42. Read biographies of 5 past presidents
43. Eat 100% organic for one week
44. Memorize President's song
45. Go camping in tents
46. Have a candle-lit dinner
47. Have a snowball fight
48. Dedicate a song to someone
49. Give 100 hugs in one day
50. Have a completely girly sleepover
51. Tell a stranger he's cute
52. Watch the sunrise with friends and a picnic at the beach
53. Road-trip sleeping in cars
54. Skinny dip
55. Eat In-n-out for every meal one day
56. Go garage-sale hunting
57. Give 5 strangers $5
58. Be in a play
59. Have a dance party in a parking lot
60. Attend a bible study meeting
61. Run through sprinklers fully clothed
62. Write a "why I'm beautiful reminder." Then do it for 3 friends
63. Spend a week studying at least one hour a day
64. Have a thrift-store make-over day/fashion show
65. Become an awesome cookie baker
66. Spend 3 days without my phone
67. Ride a roller-coaster
68. Go caroling in the summer
69. Go vegetarian for a week
70. Play in the park in the rain
71. Feed ducks while wearing a dress
72. Read my entire Enlightenment sourcebook
73. Select five random people from my high school yearbook, contact them
74. Camp out to watch the Perseids meteor shower
75. Enter a contest. Win a contest.
76. Make a scrapbook of our 101 things project
77. Go to 10 hole-in-the-wall restaurants
78. Do something awesome and make a video of it
79. Make 5 friendship bracelets
80. Have a video scavenger hunt
81. Go karaoke-ing
82. Watch a sunset and a sunrise in one hang-out
83. Get my fortune told/palm read
84. Eat something foreign and very weird and disgusting sounding
85. Watch movies for 24 hours straight
86. Stay in a hostel
87. Win money in a gamble
88. Get make-up done
89. Dare day
90. Say something to everyone on my buddy list
91. Do temporary hair dye
92. Go to the snow, beach, and desert in one day
93. Do my Christmas lights
94. Do something to show friends how much they're appreciated
95. Continue tradition of making dinner for friends once during the summer
96. Go on a cruise with friends
97. Speak in song lyrics for a day
98. Spend a day for myself
99. Make build-a-bears for each other (Meaghan/Jillian)
100. Re-enact a movie
101. Do something cool for New Year's.
Happy New Year! Wish us luck :)
Jillian started creating the list on her own, so there will be a few differences between her version of the list and Meaghan's version. That said, here's Jillian's list (Meaghan will post her slight changes soon)!
Start Date:Thursday, January 1, 2009
End Date: Thursday, September 29, 2011
101 in 1001
1. Get straight A's one semester
2. Buy my sister a diamond
3. Write a memoir
4. Get to 130 lbs
5. Run a marathon
6. Get a bikini wax
7. Learn to crochet or knit
8. Learn how to make 3 different dishes for 3 meals
9. Read the whole Bible
10. Kiss a boy
11. Have an hour-long "no holding back" conversation
12. Make an entire meal for my family
13. Be completely honest with someone
14. Keep a journal, write at least once a week.
15. Take a hip-hop dance class
16. Take a yoga class
17. Try 10 new foods
18. Donate $100 to charity
19. Volunteer 50 hours
20. Get my cartilage re-pierced
21. Treat myself and three friends to dinner
22. Ask 20 friends what their favorite movie is, watch every one
23. Ask 20 friends what their favorite book is, read every one
24. Discover a new favorite band/singer from a genre I don't normally listen to
25. Make 3 new close close that I'd invite them to my wedding
26. Go to a spa for a day with a friend
27. Spend a weekend with just my sister
28. Dress up very formal to go to dinner at a not-so-nice place
29. Write a letter to a US soldier thanking him
30. Watch 4 foreign-language films
31. Spend a day speaking only Spanish
32. Make lists of ten things I like about each of my family members and 7 friends, give them the lists
33. Read 10 "classic" novels
34. Ask a friend what they've always wanted to do, do it with them
35. Read a book in Spanish
36. Be a shoulder for someone to cry on (literally)
37. Get some sort of recycling program set up in my house
38. Babysit
39. Observe a "random acts of kindness" month
40. Take part in a protest for something I care about
41. Learn to play guitar
42. Read biographies of 5 past presidents
43. Eat 100% organic for one week
44. Memorize President's song
45. Go camping in tents
46. Have a candle-lit dinner
47. Have a snowball fight
48. Dedicate a song to someone
49. Give 100 hugs in one day
50. Have a completely girly sleepover
51. Tell a stranger he's cute
52. Watch the sunrise with friends and a picnic at the beach
53. Road-trip sleeping in cars
54. Skinny dip
55. Eat In-n-out for every meal one day
56. Go garage-sale hunting
57. Give 5 strangers $5
58. Be in a play
59. Have a dance party in a parking lot
60. Attend a bible study meeting
61. Run through sprinklers fully clothed
62. Write a "why I'm beautiful reminder." Then do it for 3 friends
63. Spend a week studying at least one hour a day
64. Have a thrift-store make-over day/fashion show
65. Become an awesome cookie baker
66. Spend 3 days without my phone
67. Ride a roller-coaster
68. Go caroling in the summer
69. Go vegetarian for a week
70. Play in the park in the rain
71. Feed ducks while wearing a dress
72. Read my entire Enlightenment sourcebook
73. Select five random people from my high school yearbook, contact them
74. Camp out to watch the Perseids meteor shower
75. Enter a contest. Win a contest.
76. Make a scrapbook of our 101 things project
77. Go to 10 hole-in-the-wall restaurants
78. Do something awesome and make a video of it
79. Make 5 friendship bracelets
80. Have a video scavenger hunt
81. Go karaoke-ing
82. Watch a sunset and a sunrise in one hang-out
83. Get my fortune told/palm read
84. Eat something foreign and very weird and disgusting sounding
85. Watch movies for 24 hours straight
86. Stay in a hostel
87. Win money in a gamble
88. Get make-up done
89. Dare day
90. Say something to everyone on my buddy list
91. Do temporary hair dye
92. Go to the snow, beach, and desert in one day
93. Do my Christmas lights
94. Do something to show friends how much they're appreciated
95. Continue tradition of making dinner for friends once during the summer
96. Go on a cruise with friends
97. Speak in song lyrics for a day
98. Spend a day for myself
99. Make build-a-bears for each other (Meaghan/Jillian)
100. Re-enact a movie
101. Do something cool for New Year's.
Happy New Year! Wish us luck :)
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